Composition of the Supervisory Board and Executive Board of Directors 12/31/2015 [G4-34; G4-38]

Supervisory Board
Alceu de Deus Collares
Giles Carriconde Azevedo
José Antônio Muniz Lopes
Mauricio Requião de Mello e Silva
Roberto Atila Amaral Vieira
Aloísio Mercadante Oliva
Aníbal Saucedo Rodas
Carlos Alberto González Garabelli
Leila Teresa Rachid Lichi
Osvaldo Román Romei
Sixto Luís Duré Benitez
Victor Raúl Romero Solís
Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Sérgio França Danese
Carlos María Ocampos Arbo
Board of Directors

General Director:
Jorge Miguel Samek

Executive Technical Director:
Airton Langaro Dipp

Legal Director:
Cézar Eduardo Ziliotto

Managing Director:
Edésio Franco Passos

Executive Financial Director:
Margaret Mussoi Luchetta Groff

Coordination Director:
Nelton Miguel Friedrich

General Director:
James Edward Clifton Spalding Hellmers

Technical Director:
José María Sánchez Tillería

Executive Legal Director:
Luis Alberto Breuer González

Executive Managing Director:
Carlos Jorge Paris Ferraro

Financial Director:
Miguel Ángel Gómez Acosta

Executive Coordination Director:
Francisco Pedro Domaniczky Lanik

Members and main tasks of the high governance
[G4-34; G4-35; G4-36; G4-38; G4-39; G4-40; G4-41; G4-42; G4-43; G4-44; G4-45; G4-46; G4-47; G4-49]

Supervisory Board:

All members are appointed by the Brazilian and Paraguayan governments in equal number and there are no specifications as to vocational training. The members share corporate decisions with equal voting power. Among the Brazilian nominations, two members are appointed by Eletrobras and one member is appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The members do not belong to own staff and do not hold executive positions. The term of office is four years and members may be reappointed to the post and can be replaced at any time.

The members are responsible for complying with and meeting the Itaipu Treaty, its annexes and supplementary acts; set basic guidelines and internal regulations; examine the Annual Report, the Balance Sheet and the Income Account Statement prepared by the Executive Board and present them with their opinion to Eletrobras and Ande; decide on proposals for bonds and loans; approve the budget for each exercise and its revisions and the business plan, and the latter includes sustainability-related goals.

Regular meetings are held every two months. Prior to these meetings, all members receive a report prepared by the Corporate Planning consultants, which addresses the economic, social and environmental issues related to the organization. In order to avoid conflicts of interest, each edition a president is elected, always alternating between a Brazilian and a Paraguayan and rotationally among all members.

For decisions, all joint, most of the members of each country must be present, and if there is no parity of votes, where will be a draw to determine the members who will not vote to reach the same number of voters. Extraordinary meetings may be called by their own members or by the general directors and be chaired by the member who led the last regular meeting.

Executive Board of Directors:

It consists of all directors of Brazil and Paraguay. They are appointed by the respective governments, by proposal of Eletrobras or Ande, and there are no specifications as to vocational training.

The directors are in equal number, capacity and hierarchy for the two countries, with voice and vote parity, always making decisions together. The general directors from each country participate in Supervisory Board meetings but do not have voting rights.

The term is five years, but the directors may be reappointed to the post and be replaced at any time by decision of governments.

Meetings are held at least twice a month and the general directors take turns in the presidency. The resolutions are adopted only with the presence of the majority of directors and two General Directors (or their temporary replacements).

The Executive Board’s main duties are preparing documents that are submitted to the Supervisory Board's approval, transmit (through the General Director) initiatives undertaken by the Sustainability Management System and support the Supervisry Board members in decision-making with economic, environmental and social impact, as there are no specific committees aimed at assisting in the improvement of knowledge about sustainability.

The company does not have formal mechanisms to evaluate the performance of the highest governance body.