Renewable energy and sustainable mobility

Research on renewable energy conducted by Itaipu is aimed at mitigating global climate change through the use of renewable energy, energy science, sustainable mobility, sustainable buildings and reducing the use of fossil fuels as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), in line with global efforts.

Itaipu elected biogas (natural gas derived from the processing of waste of agricultural production) as one of its priority projects for 2015, due to the positive impact that this resource provides the regional economy with and promoting environmental sanitation and sustainable production which is booming. Twelve demonstration units in western Paraná are in place to provide the technical and economic viability of biogas.

Biogás, a energia que vem do campo
A transformação de dejetos de animais em biogás, para geração de energia elétrica, térmica e biometano, é uma realidade no Oeste do Paraná, onde projetos apoiados pela Itaipu e pelo Centro Internacional de Energias Renováveis – Biogás (CIBiogás) ajudam proprietários rurais a ter energia e renda extra. O ENVIRONMENT também agradece.

Another focus of activity was the biomethane mobility: in 2015, 43 vehicles (17%) of the company’s fleet have been converted to the use of biomethane gas. In conjunction with the Electric Vehicle project, about 35% of the organization’s vehicles are sustainable. Thus, Itaipu has achieved the goal of reducing fossil fuel consumption by 3% assumed by Eletrobras in 2012. The emissions avoided in 2015 were 25.76 tons of CO2 from the use of electric vehicles to replace conventional vehicles.

As for the Sustainable Electric Mobility Program, developed by Itaipu with various national and international partners, had as its main advance the completion of the inaugural flight of the first manned electric aircraft in Latin America.

Itaipu’s experience with the generation of energy from biogas was presented at the UN energy forum held in June in Vienna, Austria, and in December for the UN Climate Conference – COP 21, held in Paris, along with the Electric Vehicle program.

Veículos movidos a biometano tornam frota de Itaipu ainda mais verde
Até 2016, metade da frota da margem brasileira da usina de Itaipu deve ser composta somente por veículos sustentáveis. Além dos veículos elétricos, fazem parte deste time de carros verdes os veículos movidos a biometano, o gás natural derivado de dejetos da produção agropecuária. A ibTV pegou carona em um destes carros para mostrar como ele funciona, desde a produção do gás nos biodigestores até o chegar ao posto de abastecimento.