Letter from the Brazilian General Director
[102-14, 102-15]

Dear reader,
The results allow Itaipu to continue to occupy a prominent position in the energy sector and in the integration between countries. This is a matter of pride for all of us, and for the Brazilian and Paraguayan population, and brings in the drag a lot of responsibility.

In 2018, Itaipu produced 96,585,596 MWh. In the accumulated 34 years of operation, there were generated more than 2.6 billion MWh, a brand that makes our plant the largest generator of clean and renewable energy in the world.

In addition to the fourth largest annual production, we have, for the second time, achieved our best mark in harnessing water resources: 99,27%. That is, from the water that came to the plant, almost the totality was transformed into energy.

This index was obtained thanks to an exceptional performance of our technical area. Moreover, to ensure that Itaipu maintains these high levels of efficiency, we start the technological update of the plant and its substations, strategic project of the company and one of our main challenges in the coming years.

An important goal is to keep our dam as one of the safest on the planet. Last year, a group of civil consultants, with notorious knowledge, has ensured that it is in perfect condition, and wide instrumentation and full-time monitoring ensure its safety.

Another highlight was the announcement of the construction, by Itaipu, of two new bridges between Brazil and Paraguay. The investment is part of international agreements concluded between the two countries and will benefit trade and trans-frontier tourism, contributing to the development and welfare of the local community, in line with our strategic objectives.

When I took office as Brazilian Director-General on February 26, 2019, we prioritized the rationalization of resources for greater synergy between areas and directorships, and the principles of public administration, efficiency, legality, impersonality, and morality.

Our mission is to prepare the company for the post-2023 scenario, when Brazil and Paraguay should establish new financial bases for the plant operation. With the reduction of costs and in view of the production, demand, and growth of both countries, the goal is that Itaipu delivers electricity at even more competitive prices, benefiting its consumers.

Our commitment goes beyond excellent operational and financial results. Currently, we have carried out sustainable development projects, aligned with the 2030 Agenda, working directly with the communities of 54 municipalities in Paraná, besides Mundo Novo (in Mato Grosso do Sul).

For all this, in fact, it is an honor to be ahead of this company, integrating the Itaipu family, which is a heritage of Brazil and Paraguay, and reference in cooperation, energy efficiency, and promotion of sustainability. That is what we generate!

Good reading!

Assinatura do Diretor Itaipu

Joaquim Silva e Luna
Brazilian General Director